[ Yamanashi Kyoyukai Friendship Club Logo ] Yamanashi Kyoyukai Friendship Club
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The Yamanashi Kyoyukai Friendship Club
requests the honor of your attendance at its
Annual Shinnen Enkai New Years Party and Annual Meeting
on Saturday, March 2, 2002 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
at historic Washington Place

We will be celebrating the 80th Anniversary of our organization at the Governor's mansion to reflect the auspicious nature of our event. Washington Place is a historic Hawaii treasure and is a living museum where many governors have resided. In addition, it was the historic home Hawaii's last Queen. It will be open for our members to walk through and tour during our celebration. However, due to space limitations, we may have to limit attendance, so please respond early!

We will have a short program, and the remainder of the evening will be spent reuniting with friends, meeting and making new friends, and celebrating Yamanashi Kyoyukai Friendship Club's 80th year in Hawaii. We will also have music and door prizes. We look forward to seeing you at Washington Place! Parking is available at the Department of Health, entrance from Miller Street.

Important note: Names of all attendees will be required on the RSVP form below for entry at Washington Place, Main Gate on Beretania Street opens at 5:00 p.m.

Name: ________________________________________ Number of Guests: _____



Phone Number: (Day) _________________ (Eves/Weekend) _________________

Names of Guests (For entry at Main Gate)


I am enclosing $ __________ for _______ Guests.
Adults: $25 Children under 12: $10 Adults over 80: No Charge

Please make checks payable to:
Yamanashi Kyoyukai Friendship Club

Enclose check and mail to:
P.O. Box 2985
Honolulu, Hawaii 96802-2985

Please RSVP No Later than February 11, 2002.

© 2002 Yamanashi Kyoyukai Friendship Club/Leahi.Net